May 5, 2024

” A Good Day”

In order to create the perfect day, we must plan not only our schedules but also our attitudes

At the end of the day, we usually reflect upon the kind of day we have had. But how many of us reflect on what kind of day we will have? With the universe as our aid, we can virtually assure that everyday will be a good day-in the sense that we perceive it as such. The night before, we can mentally map out the following day, seeing ourselves rising in joy and confidence, feeling healthy and energetic, dealing with our duties calmly and efficiently. When we awake, we can take some deep breaths, greet the day in thanks, welcome the new experiences that are in store, whatever they may be, and immediately begin to put out the relaxed and joyous energy that will make the next 24 hours a positive experience.

Be creative and enjoy the next 24 hours! I am in complete control of the quality of my day.


“In the same way that a single match illuminates darkness, a glimpse of serenity changes how we see every aspect  of our existence”

Joseph Bailey

Serenity is a mixture of acceptance, gratitude, willingness, deep peace and tranquility. I comes from deep within us once we have given up the idea that we have control over life. Serenity has always been with us, even when we are ruffled by life’s turmoil. Our souls are waiting in calmness and tranquillity, sending signals to our minds that we do not need to be disturbed. We don’t always receive the signals very clearly, because often we are too busy trying to fix the situation or change it. Serenity’s signals become very clear when we take the time to calm down and listen to our wise inner voice.

When we are tranquil and serene we learn how to truly live by wisdom.To learn how to have serenity in our lives, we must practice constantly by calming the storm in our minds. We can do this by meditating regularly and by simply paying attention to the places where others have found serenity. Think of things you can do that will bring you serenity, and get in the habit of doing them regularly.

“My life floating in a sea of Tranquillity; my body is the boat, my mind the sail, and my soul the water”

Angel Wisdom.






“The Future”

“There is no need to go into shock over the future”

The future is the time that comes after the present. By the time you think about that, you will be in the future. The future of humankind looks pretty bleak these days, especially if you know anything about conditions in the third world countries. Some predict changes on earth in the near future, and again the picture is not bright. Most futuristic scenarios feature humans acting like programmed computers and everything being saved by technology. Is this what we are really striving for? Think about your vision of the future. Don’t get attached to it, and don’t forget that the angels are now a large part of your future.

Brighten your future with the light of the universe. The opposite of bleak is joyful, happy, colorful,bright and full of life. There is no reason that the future for you has to be bleak. Statistics are silly inventions from humans looking for certain outcomes. Don’t buy into statistics; buy onto the future of life.

I welcome the future with a joyful heart and hope filled mind.


Waiting…”The rain will come in its own time. The “I” Ching…

How difficult it is sometimes to wait for life to unfold, to restrain ourselves from trying to hurry it along or make things happen before their time. In our eagerness for results, we forget, waiting is as important a part of life as doing. There is a purpose to waiting; as Richard Wilhelm observes in his translation of the “I Ching”, the” Chinese Book of Changes”.”Waiting is not mere empty hoping. It has the inner certainty of reaching the goal.” It is interesting to note that the hexagram entitled “Waiting” in the “I Ching” is referred to as “Nourishment”.

The period of waiting is a valuable time, during which we can strengthen our inner resources. If there is nothing we can do about a situation except wait, we can use that opportunity to plan, relax, research, and reflect; all highly useful activities that invariably lead in the direction of Illumination. As the Norse equivalent of the “I Ching”, the Rune suggests, “When fishermen cannot go to sea, they repair nets.”

If you are currently in a position of waiting, how can you use the time productively? What do you think the purpose of waiting is in your life? Instead of becoming frustrated or despairing, try thanking the waiting for providing a breather in your life, a chance to nourish yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually as you gain a new perspective on the situation.

I know this may sound hard to grasp at times. But maybe if we each take “baby steps” towards it…Who knows…We may realize something. Namaste….”Chabby”

Angel Wisdom…T.L.Taylor and M.B. Crain

Color Concepts

    Color sets the tone and influences the mood. Some decorating styles are associated with  specific color palettes while others welcome the full spectrum. Color preference is a very personal thing…Use color to express yourself.

Color changes with the light. When you choose specific paint hues and textiles or wallpaper, look at samples in your space under different lighting conditions. Wood, stone and metal, of course, have color too. Surface plays a role as well. Reflective surfaces like glass or glazed tile make colors sparkle, and absorbent surfaces like wood, honed stone, or velvet soften their effect.

Volume affects intensity: The more there is of a color, the more intense it will appear. Use strong bright colors with intention, as accents to enliven discretely or in swathes to make a passionate statement. Carry a “single” color scheme throughout a small apartment or condominium to create a sense of openness and continuity that flows from one room to the next.

Painted color tricks: Moldings need not be painted a contrasting color. When architectural detail is elaborate, ( or moldings are in less-than-perfect condition, using one flat finish color on everything will result in a more elegant look. Paint the radiators to match the walls to make them less obtrusive. Use metallic paint to open up a long, dark hallway. Silvers and golds reflect the light and make the space brighter. A painted ceiling influences ambiance without interrupting the eye-pink for warmth, sky blue for openness, and midnight blue, silver or gold for drama. One intensely colored wall in an all white or neutral room will recede and add dimension to the space.

Accessory color tricks: Add colored lampshades; they can be custom-made from fabric or paper in almost any color imaginable. Use a colorful rug to enliven a drab or quiet room-it will ground the space and add depth and drama. Use a neutral rug to offset strong color elsewhere. Stretch a colorful quilt over an artist canvas frame and hang it on a wall to add an instant shot of color. Frame a print with a mat that matches one of the artworks dominant colors. Go for colorful slipcovers, they are not permanent, so you can change them to suit your change of seasons or a new mood. The possibilities are endless!!! Questions, feel free to comment and I will be happy to respond. “Chabby”





Cooper’s list of American Made pet products!

After our meeting here at yesterday,  Cooper decided he wanted to compile a list of American Made pet products.

Upon extensive research we have come up the beginnings of what I think is going to be a fairly long list.

We will continue to add, as we research that indeed, these companies are producing these goods here in the great USA. So check out some of these sites and see what they may offer your furry friends. Cooper has already given me his “wish” list for the upcoming holidays!
Makers of Go-Sling™, a traditional style sling redesigned to easily set and load a ball to play fetch with a dog. Made in the USA



Stylish dog collars, leashes, halters and harnesses




indestructible, tough balls for dogs. Made in America

First bird toy line to be “Certified” made in the USA



Thanks for checking out my corner.. I will continue to sniff out other great Made in America pet products.

Signed… Super Cooper “The All American Shelter Dog”







Twelve Steps That Can Make Your Space look Larger.

    In checking out my library, I came across book put out by House Beautiful a few years back and thought this is some great information to

share with you all!

1) Decorate with intention….Haphazard decorating just accentuates the “BOX’ effect of a small space.

2)Use round tables. They are easy to work around and you can always squeeze in an extra chair. Plus, they look

fine if they’re off-center on a wall or in front of a sofa.

3) Lateral accents expand the space. Paint your walls with horizontal bands in three related colors or several sheens of the same hue.

4) MIRRORS open up small spaces. Many mirrors set a different angles open up a room even more and reflect bits of and pieces

of things you might not otherwise notice.

5) Use many sources of light. Lampshades that concentrate the light give the impression that a space is larger.

6) Leave the ceiling unlit or you will feel it’s on your head. Several small lamps will add character and depth to a room. One exception, small recessed lighting located closer to the corners of your room. It sheds nice soft lighting when dimmed and defines the space.

7) Use light furniture with legs. Skirted furniture tends to close up a space.

8) Create perspectives so you don’t feel closed in. The view from one room to another should be intentionally composed with a smooth transition from one ambiance to the next. Color, Accessories and Art.

9) If possible, Add INTERIOR windows. (open spaces in a wall to allow light, air and conversation to flow from room to room.

10) Keep keep the eye moving. Make window treatments and wall colors the same or closely similar.

11)Get rid of doors where you can. replace if you like with light curtains….Have fun and use your imagination where your fabrics are concerned.

12) Go for things of Good Quality. In a small space, Everything receives attention.

“Chabby Chaberek”




The “short lived life” of Cooper’s dog toy…

     I don’t know about you, but lately I have realized dog toys seem to be getting a bit more expensive. I assume alot of things are headed in that direction these days with the current economy and all. Cooper’s toys are very, very important to him and going without, quite frankly is a complete non-option. He really enjoys taking them apart, which is fine with me as he has never destroyed anything in my home… Not even a shoe!

I was in Target just the other day and thought I would pick up something new…..Well…. NOT! A stuffed toy for $9.00 that will last, if I am lucky, one hour in my home once Cooper gets a hold of it. It just seems like a complete and total waste of money.

Then I thought of something. Goodwill! They have a large selection of donated stuffed toys that are a fraction of the cost, the money helps many in need, it’s a win win. I walked out of that store with 8 stuffed animals of different shapes and sizes and spent $12.00. Just three more dollars than the one toy at Target.

There are some things you should know and keep in mind when shopping for stuffed toys at Goodwill. Avoid any toy that feels like it has those little beads in it. Again, avoid anything with beads!!! It could be dangerous to your pet plus its awful to vacuum up once the toy has been gutted. Also, God forbid you step on them with bare feet on a wood floor. OUCH! And that’s only if you stay standing, if you know what I mean.

Using good common sense, inspect the toy for anything that could be swallowed or cause any sort of blockage in your pet should they decide to ingest anything. Just yesterday I made some adjustments to a toy as Cooper was ready for a new one. Granted she looked like’the “Bride of Chucky” or something creepy from some horror flick when I was thru, but he didn’t seem to care and strutted thru the house proud as a peacock happily showing it off. And last, but not least, wash them in washing machine prior to play time.” I’m just saying”…..”Chabby” for Cooper




It’s Pansy Time.

Yes… It is that time of year once again as we await the cold Winter that is approaching. Time to plant our pansies.

I have had many comments over the years as to how my pansy beds always look so full and seem to thrive when others do not. I am happy to share what I have been doing for all these years.

First of all; Pansies love the cold temperatures, and we are lucky enough here in the South to have many months to enjoy them. First I get a couple of bags of good quality garden soil and arrange mounds. They can be really any shape you could possibly want and place the plants about 3 inches apart. As you will see in my photo’s I chose long beds. The possibilities are endless where color is concerned and I always try to stick with a theme. Of course that can be whatever your heart desires and you can shake it up and make it different year after year. This year I am going to do a multicolored theme, as I wanted it bright and whimsical. Try to coordinate with your homes exterior color, whether it be the front door, shutters, or basically the color of your home. For instance, a yellow cottage will look smashing with a purple and white theme. Purple and yellow are gorgeous together and for an additional punch, plant them in a window box! The possibilities are endless. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination!

After planting I usually use Miracle grow plant food and feed each individual plant. I repeat this feeding every three months as weather permits. The end result will be a colored carpet of beautiful blooms! And now the best secret of all. As winter dies and spring arrives, simply “dead head” your plants, give then another good meal of miracle grow and watch them come alive again. I have had my beds stay beautiful thru mid April. Just in time for summer planting. But that’s another story coming your way. “Chabby”







Best Task Light for the Money.


I love finding uses for new products I happen upon as I work on various design projects. I will be bringing you

new products on a regular basis as I find them.


The Jansjo Lamp from IKEA is one hot item! I happend upon this fantastic lamp the other day as I was visiting my local IKEA.

They are very flexiable and are actually quite attractive. I had 3 dark areas on my countertops

in my kitchen and have utilized them as “undercounter lighting”. I also have a pair as task lights on either side

of my bed. They are really cool in a bookcase, or spotlight your liquor bottles with one on your bar.

They are available in the following colors. Black, White, Silver, Pink, Red. Now the best part, the Jansjo lamp

retails for $9.99. SUCH A DEAL. Style and Good Design does not have to cost a fortune!

As always, let us know how your projects are going as we love interacting with our readers. “Chabby”