Gratitude. The gratitude attitude is a remarkably powerful force that, when unleashed, turns everything into a joyful experience. Yes, everything. The reason is quite simple: when we develop a consciousness of gratitude, the negative ceases to exist. The gratitude attitude involves thanking everything that is in your life, including the negatives. This may seem at first ridiculous, but here’s the magic: when you thank something negative for happening or thank a negative thought for being there, you have just negated the negative and turned it into positive energy.

At this point, miracles do start to happen. The more thankful you become for all the abundance around you, the more that abundance will flow into your life. So thank everything, even when you are not so sure you are grateful for it. In time you will be. Spend a day thanking everything you come in contact with. When you open your eyes in the morning, thank the night for your rest and the day for its promises. When you take a shower, thank the water. When you drink your coffee, thank the plant that produced the bean, and those who fashioned the cup you are drinking out of. And of course, thank the angels for all the good they are bringing into your life. “i continually pause in gratefulness for the amazing process of life” angel wisdom…..”Chabby Chaberek”