A Mother And Her Son

I should start by saying that my mother was the very best… She was a kind, and a God-loving  women. I was her son although not her first choice. Odd circumstances would bring us together to share a life that would  grow into a beautiful mother and son relationship.

https://www.goedkoopvliegen.nl/uncategorized/8sfm51xjf26 I was adopted, and I know as most would say…. how special it is to be “chosen”. And I say yes it is! However I was only chosen because I came as a “package deal”. My mother had to adopt me to get her first love, my brother. I was the extra baggage that came with the child that she really loved. We would all three grow up and live in the best harmony my mother could provide. Yes, my mother would raise us as a single parent something unconventional for the era that we were living in. She worked hard to make ends meet, a journey that she took willingly! I loved my mother and I know that she grew to love me in time. She wasn’t a mother who said “I love you” nor did she show affection. I understand now, it was her only way of being strong as she had been hurt by all the turmoil surrounding the adoption of my brother and me! Plus the fact that now she would have two mouths to feed which made her life twice as hard! So, how lucky was I that she loved my brother so much  that she was willing to take on a second child that she really did not want or have the means to provide for. Although my childhood wasn’t always easy, and the love at first was not equal, I was a part of the “package deal”.

https://wasmorg.com/2024/03/07/u3ofvii I fast forward to the end of my mother’s life, a life that was taken way too soon. I only had my mother for a very short period of my adult life, an injustice that only life can deal. When I think back now on our adult relationship and all the love that she learned to show, it still brings tears to my eyes. No, I wasn’t wanted, but I was in the end  one of her most proudest accomplishments. https://fotballsonen.com/2024/03/07/81a7eyweyux You see life will give you back all that difficult circumstances can sometimes take away. It is the circle of life. I  now understand what my mother meant when she said to me… “God gave me this life and I have truly done the best I could with it”. If I can share anything  with you from my past experiences, it would be… ” If life is full of unwanted circumstances and it is, then make the best of them”! It is all any of us can do. And at the end of the “day” even if that “day” takes years to come, and we are wise enough to see, life will give us the answers. My mother taught me that wisdom. I have so much love for her and her choices in life. After all I am here and I am all that I am because of her! Stephen Spurling

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