Mental House Cleaning In The New Year!         Welcome in the New Year! This can be a time for many of us to do a little house cleaning. I don’t mean physically, I mean mentally. If you are like me, I have put several things  (problems,situations) in a box over the last year. These problems need to be resolved for us to move forward into the new year with less baggage. We can either open the box and deal with the issues in it, or we can put a lock on it and THROW AWAY the key. And I really mean throw away the key!  If you decide to open the box… this will mean forgiveness on your part! If you decide to put a lock on it… this will mean to forget it!  Both decisions require us to “ let go of it.” We are all trying to live our best life… so take the time to forgive or forget!  Move into the new year with less mental weight!  Stephen Spurling

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  1. Denise Simpson says:

    Tramadol American Express This is all so true I have decided to let go of all the negativity in my life in 2011 and focus totally in 2012 on only the positive, it will make for a more productive and happier year. So its time to move foward. I’m just saying!!!