May 8, 2024

New use for a Wine Glass.

       I don’t know about you, but over the years I seem to have accumulated single wine glasses that have survived without being broken.

At the beach one afternoon, I was wondering what use I could find for a single glass that I happened to really like. Then an Idea! I was without a toothbrush holder in my bathroom. I was concerned, that without weight in the glass, it would fall over and my brushes would be all over the floor.

Problem solved. I happen to have some sea glass that was a wonderful light blue color! I simply filled the wine glass with the sea glass, about a third of the way up, which provided the weight I needed, and simply plugged my toothbrushes in the sea glass. I now had a fun toothbrush holder that has personalty, and has evoked wonderful comments from my family, friends and my guests.