May 4, 2024

Better than Sex Cake.

If you are in the mood to really treat yourself,  and I mean really treat yourself, this is the recipe for you. I would say you could share it, but more than likely you won’t want to…
1 yellow box cake mix
2 cans condensed milk
2 package frozen strawberries (or your favorite frozen fruit)
Cool Whip
Fresh strawberries to slice
Bake yellow cake
Use the end of a wooden spoon, and poke several holes in the cake.
Pour the two cans of condensed milk evenly over the cake and into the holes.
Place the bags of frozen fruit on the cake
Frost cake with Cool Whip
Slice Fresh Strawberries and arrange on cake
Sprinkle crushed Peanuts across the top.
Don’t even bother getting a plate….Just grab a fork and take it to the bedroom.