A Great “Before” and “After”

https://giannifava.org/eoxw4til This project might be considered a teardown…. NO!!! Nothing is beyond saving, especially when a local city ordinance may require it to be moved over (in this case 3 ft) from the property line. That’s right, always check with the city before tearing down a detached building or garage that is sitting close to the lot line. This is especially true if you live in an older neighborhood. The requirements for setbacks on lot lines have been revised over the years. If your building is still standing… renovate it, because once it is torn down you may not be able to rebuild it in the same spot. This is why we renovated this little single car garage… Of course we changed it’s use to a small studio with garden storage in the back. I must say that this little building was brought back to life with style!
