January 14, 2025

Celebrate Your Life

Today I celebrate my life! A life that was given to me not by choice but because it just happened. How lucky am I to have lived  most of  my 49 years  to the fullest once gaining control of it at a very young age. CONTROL doesn’t mean that I have always made the best choices for myself, and I will probably continue to muddle through wrong choices in the future. But I feel so blessed to be able to own my mistakes and to rise to the challenge of them. I see life as a gift, and you may well say… “I have it all”… and I do! But I chose to see my life that way… because I don’t have it all, but I am happy with what I have. I can always look around me and be thankful that I am where I am! I have my health. I have a job that I absolutely love. I have people who truly love me. I could go on and on… We should all celebrate our lives and the people in it that enhance our being. It will only  makes the journey more precious!  If we open our eyes to what we have in our lives, then and only then do we see how blessed we are. And by all means let go of the mistakes, we ALL make them!  Now go! Celebrate your life! I’m celebrating mine!  Stephen Spurling