April 18, 2024

Color Concepts

    Color sets the tone and influences the mood. Some decorating styles are associated with  specific color palettes while others welcome the full spectrum. Color preference is a very personal thing…Use color to express yourself.

Color changes with the light. When you choose specific paint hues and textiles or wallpaper, look at samples in your space under different lighting conditions. Wood, stone and metal, of course, have color too. Surface plays a role as well. Reflective surfaces like glass or glazed tile make colors sparkle, and absorbent surfaces like wood, honed stone, or velvet soften their effect.

Volume affects intensity: The more there is of a color, the more intense it will appear. Use strong bright colors with intention, as accents to enliven discretely or in swathes to make a passionate statement. Carry a “single” color scheme throughout a small apartment or condominium to create a sense of openness and continuity that flows from one room to the next.

Painted color tricks: Moldings need not be painted a contrasting color. When architectural detail is elaborate, ( or moldings are in less-than-perfect condition, using one flat finish color on everything will result in a more elegant look. Paint the radiators to match the walls to make them less obtrusive. Use metallic paint to open up a long, dark hallway. Silvers and golds reflect the light and make the space brighter. A painted ceiling influences ambiance without interrupting the eye-pink for warmth, sky blue for openness, and midnight blue, silver or gold for drama. One intensely colored wall in an all white or neutral room will recede and add dimension to the space.

Accessory color tricks: Add colored lampshades; they can be custom-made from fabric or paper in almost any color imaginable. Use a colorful rug to enliven a drab or quiet room-it will ground the space and add depth and drama. Use a neutral rug to offset strong color elsewhere. Stretch a colorful quilt over an artist canvas frame and hang it on a wall to add an instant shot of color. Frame a print with a mat that matches one of the artworks dominant colors. Go for colorful slipcovers, they are not permanent, so you can change them to suit your change of seasons or a new mood. The possibilities are endless!!! Questions, feel free to comment and I will be happy to respond. “Chabby”