I realize that we all think about our happiness, but what if we counted the percentage of time we weren’t. I have a formula that has always worked for me, remember, we are just pondering my perspective. I strive for 75% of the time… I must be happy. I allow 25% for all the crap that I cannot control. This is my way of keeping my life and the direction of my life in check. I always think about this every morning… Saying “Stephen, you have to find happiness in at least 75% of this day” And believe me it’s not always easy… sometimes I am left with nothing but to start the day all over again! I am determined to live my best life. Making the effort to find happiness in my life is so important that I really don’t want to give up even 25%! But, I realize that my life will never be perfect, so this is why 75% is so precious to me.
Think of your happiness in terms of a checkbook, if the balance falls too low, we take the necessary actions to correct the balance, a transfer from savings, working overtime, etc. So… if your happiness falls too low, take the necessary action to correct your “balance.” Live your life in the black, not in the red! I mean set a realistic ratio for yourself and try to live it.
I know a lot of you may think this is just hogwash, but think about your happiness in terms of percentages. Putting a number on it will only inspire you to make the necessary changes. Set a goal of happiness for yourself, and if you fall below that number, make the adjustments! After all it is your life, your happiness, and your checkbook! Stephen Spurling
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