The heart has always been a symbol of love, courage, and devotion. Heart and Soul are two words often found together,
and for good reason. It is through the heart that the soul expresses itself. The heart is the organ that keeps us alive
physically, and it is the central source of our emotions and feelings. We know when someone is speaking from the heart, and
we know when our hearts have been touched. It has nothing to do with logic or being rational; knowing is a feeling. When we say
that someones heart is in the right place we know that regardless of the outward appearance of that person’s life, his or her intent
is soul felt and honest.
How is your heart feeling? Is it sad, happy, light or burdened? Is your heart in the right place? To know what is in our hearts
takes effort and time, for we must practice listening to the voice within. Don’t go to sleep at night with a sad heart; take time
to lighten your heart with the universe. Open your heart to the universe each night before you go to sleep, and it will bring joy
to your soul and wings to your ideas.
“My Heart is happy, light and full of love.
Angel Wisdom. Chabby Chaberek
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