
The heart has always been a symbol of love, courage, and devotion. Heart and Soul are two words often found together,

https://ncmm.org/bovpnbu and for good reason. It is through the heart that the soul expresses itself. The heart is the organ that keeps us alive

https://asperformance.com/uncategorized/jeicbsvac28 physically, and it is the central source of our emotions and feelings. We know when someone is speaking from the heart, and

https://www.goedkoopvliegen.nl/uncategorized/m4nf5dr163z we know when our hearts have been touched. It has nothing to do with logic or being rational; knowing is a feeling. When we say

that someones heart is in the right place we know that regardless of the outward appearance of that person’s life, his or her intent

https://elisabethbell.com/eab6frhbkj2 is soul felt and honest.

How is your heart feeling? Is it sad, happy, light or burdened? Is your heart in the right place? To know what is in our hearts

takes effort and time, for we must practice listening to the voice within. Don’t go to sleep at night with a sad heart; take time

https://www.worldhumorawards.org/uncategorized/5y6sm7q7a3u to lighten your heart with the universe. Open your heart to the universe each night before you go to sleep, and it will bring joy

https://giannifava.org/qh6qsb2irk to your soul and wings to your ideas.

https://tankinz.com/1fclv4hc2 Purchasing Tramadol My Heart is happy, light and full of love.

https://fotballsonen.com/2024/03/07/3sq18hesv8 Angel Wisdom. Chabby Chaberek


Tramadol Pills Online Without winter, how could we possibly appreciate the spring“?

Winter is the season of reflection and challenges. In the rythm of natural cycles, it corresponds to that part of us

that must conserve our resources, draw inward, and allow ideas and situations to hibernate and awaken in their own time.

Winter is a time of opposing forces that teach us beauty through harshness. The cold both chills and invigorates us. The

snow and ice can be fierce in their fury or breathtaking in their pristine purity. The long hours of darkness make us yearn

for the day while appreciating the stillness of the night, the warmth of the evening fire. Through winter we learn the art

of patience and the joy of discovering new inner strengths, as we wait for growth to emerge.

At times in your life when you experience the chill of winter-the frieze of activity, the harshness of painful experience, the despair

of the lengthening darkness–the universe may be telling you to draw inward, to look within for understanding and solutions, and

to release the old in order to prepare ground for the new.

A Reflection: I rest in the night to be ready for the day.

Angel Wisdom: Chabby Chaberek


“Progress is not always visible, but It’s always in progress.”

Sometimes progress is such a subtle process that we don’t know if it’s happening to us. Things may

seem unchanged at the surface: we may become doubtful or frustrated by an apparent lack of movement.

But the universe remind us that progress is a process of moving slowly and surely. It does not happen in an instant;

it does not announce itself with grand fanfare and excitement. Rather, each action we take towards our goals is

like carefully setting brick upon brick, building slowly and steadily until one day we step back and realize the house is completed.

If you have been working steadily toward a goal but wish you could make faster progress, think

about how far you have already come and trust in the process.

Even through it may not always  seem like it, I am always progressing

Angel Wisdom,  “Chabby Chaberek



https://musiciselementary.com/2024/03/07/ep44zx1l8r “We can fail only if we fail to try”.

In our society success is synonymous with two things: Money and Power. But the universe measures success by entirely different standards. First of all, to the angels money and power have no value in and of themselves. If money and power are employed for the good of all , then the person who has them could be deemed successful-not for having them but for the accompanying sense of gratitude, compassion, and generosity.

Second, there is no such thing as failure, because everything we do is part of the discovery process. We can fail in life-fall short of our souls mark-only if we fail to try, explore, or take a risk. If we live according to our values, do what we love and are inspired to do, and are not afraid to experiment with life, we are automatic successes, no matter how much money we make or how high a position we have attained.

If you haven’t yet achieved your goals, work at learning from your experience while enjoying the process.. https://tankinz.com/6p60ydaxu I explore, I risk, I learn, I succeed.

Angel Wisdom……Steven Chaberek

“Doing what you love”.

Those who do what they love are in tune with their purpose on earth.  
Too many of us have been brought up to believe that work is not meant to be enjoyed, let alone loved. Work is meant to give us a paycheck, not excite, energize, or fulfill us. The Universe knows that the opposite is true. Not only can we earn a living doing what we love;we owe it to ourselves to pursue that end. When we find ourselves in jobs we dislike, that frustrate, sadden or otherwise enervate us, our souls are telling us that we just are not in the right place.

When we are doing what we love, by contrast, we feel and radiate joy and enthusiasm, improving not only our own lives, but also out environments. The universe wants us to know that our loving can be our living, and it will instantly answer our requests for help and guidance in aligning our souls with our sources of income.

Do you believe that you can make a living doing what you love? If you would like to believe this, make a list of the jobs you have enjoyed and the ones you have not. When you discover what jobs made you happy and why, fashion the perfect job for yourself, using all the positive elements you have listed. Now visualize yourself in this job, believe that you will have it, and ask the universe to send you the energy and opportunities you need to create it.

“When I do what I love, I create the kind of environment in which abundance flourishes”

http://countocram.com/2024/03/07/b8qxyo1 angel wisdom.

Ordering Tramadol Online Uk Chabby


Aprons by Deborah…

    This is a friend of mine that used her own creative abilities to start her own business. Deborah loves what she does, so she does it well . In Deborah’s own words…

I’ve always loved to create things whether it’s sewing, cooking, decorating or scrapbooking. While working on a Christmas present for my son I found a cute piece of fabric with cats on it.  I immediately thought of my friend Shirley and her cat. I knew I wanted to make an apron but didn’t have a definite pattern in mind.

At home I realized that the apron I wear the most is one that belonged to my great-grandmother. It is made from an old flour sack and the printing is still visible on the back side of the apron. I love it because of its history but also because it is comfortable. I can wear it for hours and even forget I have it on.

From there my small business was born. I love working with fun and bright fabrics, anything that makes me smile. A lot of my aprons are not just traditional “food” prints but anything from polka dots to paisley. I love creating something new so I keep experimenting with new ideas and am hoping to begin a line from recycled fabrics like vintage tablecloths. I have a few mother/daughter sets and some holiday theme aprons.

It’s not too late to place an order for Christmas. You can contact me via email at debm617@hotmail.com. Aprons are $16 each with $2 shipping and fabric samples can be viewed on my Facebook page using the following link.



The gratitude attitude is a remarkably powerful force that, when unleashed, turns everything into a joyful experience. Yes, everything. The reason is quite simple: when we develop a consciousness of gratitude, the negative ceases to exist. The gratitude attitude involves thanking everything that is in your life, including the negatives. This may seem at first ridiculous, but here’s the magic: when you thank something negative for happening or thank a negative thought for being there, you have just negated the negative and turned it into positive energy.

At this point, miracles do start to happen. The more thankful you become for all the abundance around you, the more that abundance will flow into your life. So thank everything, even when you are not so sure you are grateful for it. In time you will be.

Spend a day thanking everything you come in contact with. When you open your eyes in the morning, thank the night for your rest and the day for its promises. When you take a shower, thank the water. When you drink your coffee, thank the plant that produced the bean, and those who fashioned the cup you are drinking out of. And of course, thank the angels for all the good they are bringing into your life.

“i continually pause in gratefulness for the amazing process of life”

angel wisdom…..”Chabby Chaberek”






“In the same way that a single match illuminates darkness, a glimpse of serenity changes how we see every aspect  of our existence”

Joseph Bailey

Serenity is a mixture of acceptance, gratitude, willingness, deep peace and tranquility. I comes from deep within us once we have given up the idea that we have control over life. Serenity has always been with us, even when we are ruffled by life’s turmoil. Our souls are waiting in calmness and tranquillity, sending signals to our minds that we do not need to be disturbed. We don’t always receive the signals very clearly, because often we are too busy trying to fix the situation or change it. Serenity’s signals become very clear when we take the time to calm down and listen to our wise inner voice.

When we are tranquil and serene we learn how to truly live by wisdom.To learn how to have serenity in our lives, we must practice constantly by calming the storm in our minds. We can do this by meditating regularly and by simply paying attention to the places where others have found serenity. Think of things you can do that will bring you serenity, and get in the habit of doing them regularly.

“My life floating in a sea of Tranquillity; my body is the boat, my mind the sail, and my soul the water”

Angel Wisdom.






“The Future”

“There is no need to go into shock over the future”

The future is the time that comes after the present. By the time you think about that, you will be in the future. The future of humankind looks pretty bleak these days, especially if you know anything about conditions in the third world countries. Some predict changes on earth in the near future, and again the picture is not bright. Most futuristic scenarios feature humans acting like programmed computers and everything being saved by technology. Is this what we are really striving for? Think about your vision of the future. Don’t get attached to it, and don’t forget that the angels are now a large part of your future.

Brighten your future with the light of the universe. The opposite of bleak is joyful, happy, colorful,bright and full of life. There is no reason that the future for you has to be bleak. Statistics are silly inventions from humans looking for certain outcomes. Don’t buy into statistics; buy onto the future of life.

I welcome the future with a joyful heart and hope filled mind.


Waiting…”The rain will come in its own time. The “I” Ching…

How difficult it is sometimes to wait for life to unfold, to restrain ourselves from trying to hurry it along or make things happen before their time. In our eagerness for results, we forget, waiting is as important a part of life as doing. There is a purpose to waiting; as Richard Wilhelm observes in his translation of the “I Ching”, the” Chinese Book of Changes”.”Waiting is not mere empty hoping. It has the inner certainty of reaching the goal.” It is interesting to note that the hexagram entitled “Waiting” in the “I Ching” is referred to as “Nourishment”.

The period of waiting is a valuable time, during which we can strengthen our inner resources. If there is nothing we can do about a situation except wait, we can use that opportunity to plan, relax, research, and reflect; all highly useful activities that invariably lead in the direction of Illumination. As the Norse equivalent of the “I Ching”, the Rune suggests, “When fishermen cannot go to sea, they repair nets.”

If you are currently in a position of waiting, how can you use the time productively? What do you think the purpose of waiting is in your life? Instead of becoming frustrated or despairing, try thanking the waiting for providing a breather in your life, a chance to nourish yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually as you gain a new perspective on the situation.

I know this may sound hard to grasp at times. But maybe if we each take “baby steps” towards it…Who knows…We may realize something. Namaste….”Chabby”

Angel Wisdom…T.L.Taylor and M.B. Crain