May 19, 2024

The True Story…An unwanted child…

I was a child of many, but my reality was … I wasn’t wanted by any. I grew up in several families, within my one and only family, passed around and discarded without malice, but still the harm would be done. I will explain the love that was given to me , was it real or just out necessity?

A story of a child born out-of-wedlock and given away in a stance to save a failing marriage. I was bartered for the love of another child, my brother. I will grow up throughout my entire childhood thinking… I was a  “necessary evil”. The premature death of a woman who raised me and for all practical purposes was my mother shed incredible light on her death-bed… The truth, and it was what I had suspected all along. I felt exonerated to know the true. The truth meant… I wasn’t this crazy little insecure kid that had created this notion that I was a” necessary evil!” I am alive today because I was strong enough to realize then … I didn’t ask for or deserve the life that I was given. I made the best of  it, and  only God’s true grace got me through. I am more  than a survivor, I am living my best life!

I was a very young 22-year-old man , when my mother died…It was one of the most devastating events of my life to date. It meant the end of an era, and life coming full circle. I would ponder my adult existence from this point on. My life would be mine to live! But I must first tried to put the pieces of the puzzle of my childhood together. I would give reasons , excuses, and most of all forgiveness for the past!  At 22 years, I was wise for my age, a state of being that existed for me even at the age of 4. You see, I had no choice but to gain wisdom as a child. I was processing the love of  my family, a family that made many selfish decisions that always kept me unsettled in my place in this family and even in this world! I was just a child, but as a child, I was very in tune with everybody actions, almost to the point of  my own detriment. I always knew from an early age that I was different, maybe what some would call an” old soul”, but my family would term it as being “odd”. I would laugh and play as any normal child, but I would also hear and see the actions of the adults around me. As my mother said on many occasion  “you have the ears of an elephant,” and with no explanation I might add. I always thought she was implying that I looked funny.  It wasn’t until years later that I would grow to understand the meaning of what she was saying. I was dealing with family problems that weren’t any of my concern for a child of my age.

I think my family loved me about as well as they understood me. I don’t fault them for this as… I did not fall into their normalcy…  Stephen Spurling



The gratitude attitude is a remarkably powerful force that, when unleashed, turns everything into a joyful experience. Yes, everything. The reason is quite simple: when we develop a consciousness of gratitude, the negative ceases to exist. The gratitude attitude involves thanking everything that is in your life, including the negatives. This may seem at first ridiculous, but here’s the magic: when you thank something negative for happening or thank a negative thought for being there, you have just negated the negative and turned it into positive energy.

At this point, miracles do start to happen. The more thankful you become for all the abundance around you, the more that abundance will flow into your life. So thank everything, even when you are not so sure you are grateful for it. In time you will be.

Spend a day thanking everything you come in contact with. When you open your eyes in the morning, thank the night for your rest and the day for its promises. When you take a shower, thank the water. When you drink your coffee, thank the plant that produced the bean, and those who fashioned the cup you are drinking out of. And of course, thank the angels for all the good they are bringing into your life.

“i continually pause in gratefulness for the amazing process of life”

angel wisdom…..”Chabby Chaberek”





” A Good Day”

In order to create the perfect day, we must plan not only our schedules but also our attitudes

At the end of the day, we usually reflect upon the kind of day we have had. But how many of us reflect on what kind of day we will have? With the universe as our aid, we can virtually assure that everyday will be a good day-in the sense that we perceive it as such. The night before, we can mentally map out the following day, seeing ourselves rising in joy and confidence, feeling healthy and energetic, dealing with our duties calmly and efficiently. When we awake, we can take some deep breaths, greet the day in thanks, welcome the new experiences that are in store, whatever they may be, and immediately begin to put out the relaxed and joyous energy that will make the next 24 hours a positive experience.

Be creative and enjoy the next 24 hours! I am in complete control of the quality of my day.


“In the same way that a single match illuminates darkness, a glimpse of serenity changes how we see every aspect  of our existence”

Joseph Bailey

Serenity is a mixture of acceptance, gratitude, willingness, deep peace and tranquility. I comes from deep within us once we have given up the idea that we have control over life. Serenity has always been with us, even when we are ruffled by life’s turmoil. Our souls are waiting in calmness and tranquillity, sending signals to our minds that we do not need to be disturbed. We don’t always receive the signals very clearly, because often we are too busy trying to fix the situation or change it. Serenity’s signals become very clear when we take the time to calm down and listen to our wise inner voice.

When we are tranquil and serene we learn how to truly live by wisdom.To learn how to have serenity in our lives, we must practice constantly by calming the storm in our minds. We can do this by meditating regularly and by simply paying attention to the places where others have found serenity. Think of things you can do that will bring you serenity, and get in the habit of doing them regularly.

“My life floating in a sea of Tranquillity; my body is the boat, my mind the sail, and my soul the water”

Angel Wisdom.






The True story…

As I write about my life I do it not for a reaction from others, but to inspire people to get past all the hurt and turmoil of their own lives. I grew up in what I thought was a typical home where we had many adversities to overcome. Maybe more than average. But for me and my family it was just “deal with it.” In growing up this way it taught me to deal with whatever comes my way as an adult.

        I look at it this way; “the worst part of my life is behind me.” See when you grow up in  a tumultuous home full of inconsistencies and you survive it… to adulthood. Ahhh….. adulthood, now I am in the driver’s seat! This means if there is pain in my life now,  I have allowed it!  We will always throughout our entire lives have to make decisions, what I call being at a “crossroad”. We have choices and not to sound glib, we can take the high road. Most of us know the difference between right and wrong. Although I must admit that sometimes when we are living in that moment, we don’t always make the right decisions.  We are just trying to survive! I always knew that I would survive my childhood no matter how often things seemed completely hopeless. For me surviving was an enate ability to go into myself and live a different scenario and most importantly… WAIT. Wait til I had control of the situation… AKA adulthood! I do believe that our childhood memories mold us into the adults we become. The only thing is… we must let go of the bad memories as they will only carry over into our adult lives and usually not in a good way. Remember you are now in control of your destiny, you’re in the driver’s seat! 

        I will write stories of my life as I lived it raised in a southern home. It will be a true story of  love, hatred, chaos and a sense of dealing with what was termed as the “unspeakable acts” of a family that had run amuck! But the southern charm of my family would make you want to pull up a chair and stay for dinner. In other words the acting abilities of my family could win us an Ocar! So sit tight as I compose the details of a story that not even Hollywood could conjure up! Stephen

“The Future”

“There is no need to go into shock over the future”

The future is the time that comes after the present. By the time you think about that, you will be in the future. The future of humankind looks pretty bleak these days, especially if you know anything about conditions in the third world countries. Some predict changes on earth in the near future, and again the picture is not bright. Most futuristic scenarios feature humans acting like programmed computers and everything being saved by technology. Is this what we are really striving for? Think about your vision of the future. Don’t get attached to it, and don’t forget that the angels are now a large part of your future.

Brighten your future with the light of the universe. The opposite of bleak is joyful, happy, colorful,bright and full of life. There is no reason that the future for you has to be bleak. Statistics are silly inventions from humans looking for certain outcomes. Don’t buy into statistics; buy onto the future of life.

I welcome the future with a joyful heart and hope filled mind.


Waiting…”The rain will come in its own time. The “I” Ching…

How difficult it is sometimes to wait for life to unfold, to restrain ourselves from trying to hurry it along or make things happen before their time. In our eagerness for results, we forget, waiting is as important a part of life as doing. There is a purpose to waiting; as Richard Wilhelm observes in his translation of the “I Ching”, the” Chinese Book of Changes”.”Waiting is not mere empty hoping. It has the inner certainty of reaching the goal.” It is interesting to note that the hexagram entitled “Waiting” in the “I Ching” is referred to as “Nourishment”.

The period of waiting is a valuable time, during which we can strengthen our inner resources. If there is nothing we can do about a situation except wait, we can use that opportunity to plan, relax, research, and reflect; all highly useful activities that invariably lead in the direction of Illumination. As the Norse equivalent of the “I Ching”, the Rune suggests, “When fishermen cannot go to sea, they repair nets.”

If you are currently in a position of waiting, how can you use the time productively? What do you think the purpose of waiting is in your life? Instead of becoming frustrated or despairing, try thanking the waiting for providing a breather in your life, a chance to nourish yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually as you gain a new perspective on the situation.

I know this may sound hard to grasp at times. But maybe if we each take “baby steps” towards it…Who knows…We may realize something. Namaste….”Chabby”

Angel Wisdom…T.L.Taylor and M.B. Crain

You Work to Avoid Confrontation With Your Heart

I write about this today as a dear friend told me this was her reality. Working two jobs to avoid confrontation with her heart. I find this to be a true way of  life for many. I think so many of us “keep busy” whether it’s working a job, or obsessing about most anything that keeps our inner most feelings preoccupied. Simply put “not dealing with what could ultimately be self fulfillment” . We are not happy in our heart of hearts.

I understand all of this… as it is a coping instinct, but it will only work for a short while.  And when it fails to satisfy, then and only then will we deal with our heart. It takes courage and strength to focus on ourselves, but who else knows our needs more!  No one can make us happy and no one knows what our inner most feelings are except ourselves. As William Shakespeare once said…”to thine own self be true, and it must follow,as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man”  This that I write, we have all heard before, but we must start living it. Life is way too short to live it, avoiding confrontation with our heart! It’s up to you… find your peace. Stephen Spurling

Are You Living A Happy Life?

                  I am a firm believer that we all possess the ability to get what we want in life. Why it is harder for some than others, I can’t answer that.  One of the biggest obstacles for many is not  knowing the difference between contentment and happiness! I realize that it is so much easier to live being content, but at the end of the day, have you lived your life to the fullest? Don’t just live with contentment. We all are deserving of more.  This is what life’s journey is all about… living the best life we can!  We are special and unique in our on right, so take the leap of faith today to get… one , two , maybe even three steps closer to your wants and desires. Remember…. “The fruit is always at the end of the limb!” Meaning… we have to go out of our comfort zone sometimes just to get what we really deserve!  And we all deserve a bite of that sweet fruit! So start climbing toward your goal of  happiness, and enjoy the view along the way! Stephen

Silver Spoon

I still have that little silver spoon my mother would only feed me with.  I was literally born with a silver spoon in my mouth! As we all know, this saying became a derogatory term used to accuse ones upbringing as being privileged, to being plain spoiled. I certainly couldn’t be called spoiled in my upbringing, far from it. But my mother still used a silver spoon and not because she thought of it as a shiny status token. No, she thought that babies should only be fed with a silver spoon because it was healthy. She did not like plastic or metal and she had been told by her mother that anything other than a silver spoon could carry germs. This is true and it is a tradition that began during the plagues of the Middle Ages for the same practical reason, that it was safe. Silver didn’t spread infection or germs that could kill you or make you sick! Silver ware in general was developed for practical hygienic reasons. The baby’s silver spoon was a frontline weapon against disease and infection.

So there you go, the humble silver spoon Stephen Spurling