May 18, 2024

Aprons by Deborah…

    This is a friend of mine that used her own creative abilities to start her own business. Deborah loves what she does, so she does it well . In Deborah’s own words…

I’ve always loved to create things whether it’s sewing, cooking, decorating or scrapbooking. While working on a Christmas present for my son I found a cute piece of fabric with cats on it.  I immediately thought of my friend Shirley and her cat. I knew I wanted to make an apron but didn’t have a definite pattern in mind.

At home I realized that the apron I wear the most is one that belonged to my great-grandmother. It is made from an old flour sack and the printing is still visible on the back side of the apron. I love it because of its history but also because it is comfortable. I can wear it for hours and even forget I have it on.

From there my small business was born. I love working with fun and bright fabrics, anything that makes me smile. A lot of my aprons are not just traditional “food” prints but anything from polka dots to paisley. I love creating something new so I keep experimenting with new ideas and am hoping to begin a line from recycled fabrics like vintage tablecloths. I have a few mother/daughter sets and some holiday theme aprons.

It’s not too late to place an order for Christmas. You can contact me via email at Aprons are $16 each with $2 shipping and fabric samples can be viewed on my Facebook page using the following link.


The gratitude attitude is a remarkably powerful force that, when unleashed, turns everything into a joyful experience. Yes, everything. The reason is quite simple: when we develop a consciousness of gratitude, the negative ceases to exist. The gratitude attitude involves thanking everything that is in your life, including the negatives. This may seem at first ridiculous, but here’s the magic: when you thank something negative for happening or thank a negative thought for being there, you have just negated the negative and turned it into positive energy.

At this point, miracles do start to happen. The more thankful you become for all the abundance around you, the more that abundance will flow into your life. So thank everything, even when you are not so sure you are grateful for it. In time you will be.

Spend a day thanking everything you come in contact with. When you open your eyes in the morning, thank the night for your rest and the day for its promises. When you take a shower, thank the water. When you drink your coffee, thank the plant that produced the bean, and those who fashioned the cup you are drinking out of. And of course, thank the angels for all the good they are bringing into your life.

“i continually pause in gratefulness for the amazing process of life”

angel wisdom…..”Chabby Chaberek”





“The Future”

“There is no need to go into shock over the future”

The future is the time that comes after the present. By the time you think about that, you will be in the future. The future of humankind looks pretty bleak these days, especially if you know anything about conditions in the third world countries. Some predict changes on earth in the near future, and again the picture is not bright. Most futuristic scenarios feature humans acting like programmed computers and everything being saved by technology. Is this what we are really striving for? Think about your vision of the future. Don’t get attached to it, and don’t forget that the angels are now a large part of your future.

Brighten your future with the light of the universe. The opposite of bleak is joyful, happy, colorful,bright and full of life. There is no reason that the future for you has to be bleak. Statistics are silly inventions from humans looking for certain outcomes. Don’t buy into statistics; buy onto the future of life.

I welcome the future with a joyful heart and hope filled mind.


Waiting…”The rain will come in its own time. The “I” Ching…

How difficult it is sometimes to wait for life to unfold, to restrain ourselves from trying to hurry it along or make things happen before their time. In our eagerness for results, we forget, waiting is as important a part of life as doing. There is a purpose to waiting; as Richard Wilhelm observes in his translation of the “I Ching”, the” Chinese Book of Changes”.”Waiting is not mere empty hoping. It has the inner certainty of reaching the goal.” It is interesting to note that the hexagram entitled “Waiting” in the “I Ching” is referred to as “Nourishment”.

The period of waiting is a valuable time, during which we can strengthen our inner resources. If there is nothing we can do about a situation except wait, we can use that opportunity to plan, relax, research, and reflect; all highly useful activities that invariably lead in the direction of Illumination. As the Norse equivalent of the “I Ching”, the Rune suggests, “When fishermen cannot go to sea, they repair nets.”

If you are currently in a position of waiting, how can you use the time productively? What do you think the purpose of waiting is in your life? Instead of becoming frustrated or despairing, try thanking the waiting for providing a breather in your life, a chance to nourish yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually as you gain a new perspective on the situation.

I know this may sound hard to grasp at times. But maybe if we each take “baby steps” towards it…Who knows…We may realize something. Namaste….”Chabby”

Angel Wisdom…T.L.Taylor and M.B. Crain

Color Concepts

    Color sets the tone and influences the mood. Some decorating styles are associated with  specific color palettes while others welcome the full spectrum. Color preference is a very personal thing…Use color to express yourself.

Color changes with the light. When you choose specific paint hues and textiles or wallpaper, look at samples in your space under different lighting conditions. Wood, stone and metal, of course, have color too. Surface plays a role as well. Reflective surfaces like glass or glazed tile make colors sparkle, and absorbent surfaces like wood, honed stone, or velvet soften their effect.

Volume affects intensity: The more there is of a color, the more intense it will appear. Use strong bright colors with intention, as accents to enliven discretely or in swathes to make a passionate statement. Carry a “single” color scheme throughout a small apartment or condominium to create a sense of openness and continuity that flows from one room to the next.

Painted color tricks: Moldings need not be painted a contrasting color. When architectural detail is elaborate, ( or moldings are in less-than-perfect condition, using one flat finish color on everything will result in a more elegant look. Paint the radiators to match the walls to make them less obtrusive. Use metallic paint to open up a long, dark hallway. Silvers and golds reflect the light and make the space brighter. A painted ceiling influences ambiance without interrupting the eye-pink for warmth, sky blue for openness, and midnight blue, silver or gold for drama. One intensely colored wall in an all white or neutral room will recede and add dimension to the space.

Accessory color tricks: Add colored lampshades; they can be custom-made from fabric or paper in almost any color imaginable. Use a colorful rug to enliven a drab or quiet room-it will ground the space and add depth and drama. Use a neutral rug to offset strong color elsewhere. Stretch a colorful quilt over an artist canvas frame and hang it on a wall to add an instant shot of color. Frame a print with a mat that matches one of the artworks dominant colors. Go for colorful slipcovers, they are not permanent, so you can change them to suit your change of seasons or a new mood. The possibilities are endless!!! Questions, feel free to comment and I will be happy to respond. “Chabby”





Cooper’s list of American Made pet products!

After our meeting here at yesterday,  Cooper decided he wanted to compile a list of American Made pet products.

Upon extensive research we have come up the beginnings of what I think is going to be a fairly long list.

We will continue to add, as we research that indeed, these companies are producing these goods here in the great USA. So check out some of these sites and see what they may offer your furry friends. Cooper has already given me his “wish” list for the upcoming holidays!
Makers of Go-Sling™, a traditional style sling redesigned to easily set and load a ball to play fetch with a dog. Made in the USA



Stylish dog collars, leashes, halters and harnesses




indestructible, tough balls for dogs. Made in America

First bird toy line to be “Certified” made in the USA



Thanks for checking out my corner.. I will continue to sniff out other great Made in America pet products.

Signed… Super Cooper “The All American Shelter Dog”







The Coconut Miracle Pie!

Here’s another great easy dessert recipe. The prep is no time and no mess, but the result is a “big ole pie” that everyone will love!

First, get out your blender and dump in 1 cup of sugar, 4 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 1/2 cup of melted butter, 1/2 cup of plain all purpose flour, 1 running over teaspoon of vanilla, 1 cup flaked coconut, and a dash of salt. Blend well, then pour into 10 inch pie pan. Bake it a 300′ for 1 hour. The miracle of the pie is that it makes its own crust. The video below will walk you through all the steps and show you the wonderful results. You are sure to impress your friends, family, and even yourself with its taste and ease!   Stephen